Our lady of the dessicants, of dryness, tidiness, warmth and safeness,
Our lady of teetotalers, hypochondriacs, disabled and dissenters.
Our lady of planning and sterility, of choice and infertility
Who plans all things, who cleans all things
Who decontaminates and deconstructs all things
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As Westerners we have lived for so long with this disembodied, mass produced entertainment masquerading as culture, that the only reaction we find normal to anyone taking their beliefs seriously is meta-irony. It suits us like a glove; the more layers of irony and cynicism, the better. Any midwit understands it and is able to engage in it.
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The wide kind of attention is participatory and contextual. It is a ‘gestalt’, a pattern of being-there. An organised whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts. Imagine motherhood; the attitudes and inner dispositions of a mother towards her child. It does not exclude focused attention, but it is more than that
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April 26, 2021