So that’s what I just wanted to say today, it’s just ‘stay curious, look after your mental health and if you do find you’ve hit an avenue where you don’t think you’re being validated or the person you’re talking to isn’t connecting with you, then it’s okay to end that and start looking for something different.
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found myself near a huge Ash tree in the middle of a green meadow; about 50 yards away I noticed a large multitude running in a state of violence and horror. I then witnessed a series of large bangs that shook the earth like quakes. I realised the multitude of humans were being squeezed by a huge cyclops, a one-eyed giant like Polyphemus.
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Our lady of the dessicants, of dryness, tidiness, warmth and safeness,
Our lady of teetotalers, hypochondriacs, disabled and dissenters.
Our lady of planning and sterility, of choice and infertility
Who plans all things, who cleans all things
Who decontaminates and deconstructs all things
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In his book, ‘The Master and his Emissary’, Iain McGilchrist makes the case that the worldview of the left hemisphere of the brain (the emissary) has been in ascendancy for many centuries, to the detriment of the more subtle right brain (the master). At page 14 of his book, Iain tells a parable (wrongly attributed to Nietzsche) that gives us the key to his central thesis – a tale of historical usurpation:
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March 26, 2021
‘Ready Player One’ is a must watch if you are wondering what the future holds in store for the podmen of the 21st century. This vision is preached by people across the political divide – from fully automated luxury communists or euphoric technocrats to crypto enthusiasts like the founder of Superfarm 2021 or even BAP-style accelerationists who seem to have embraced the pod life. They all agree there is no escape from ‘The Oasis’; the only aspects in which we will have a say will be
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February 28, 2021
The more intellectual people become, the less they can find agreement on any matter. One of the few things most of us (intellectuals or not) can agree on is the fact that internet, social media and smartphones are impacting our lives mostly negatively, generating unhappiness, anxiety, social isolation and political polarisation.
In the early 2000s it was Evangelical Christians who warned against the addictive effects of social media and
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August 30, 2020
In the year of our Lord 2019, John Haugm, one of the founding members of Agalloch and Pillorian (American post-black metal bands), was the victim of an online outrage mob. He had written an appreciative post for a movie about WW2 on Facebook and then in a snarky comment remarked that he expects ‘judenbook’ to censor it. A few journos caught the post; there was an online outrage in the metal review community, condemning the
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