The only way out of it seems to be for somebody to love Pimlico: to love it with a transcendental tie and without any earthly reason. If there arose a man who loved Pimlico, then Pimlico would rise into ivory towers and golden pinnacles; Pimlico would attire herself as a woman does when she is loved. For decoration is not given to hide horrible things: but to decorate things already adorable. A mother does not give her child a blue bow because he is so ugly without it. A lover does not give a girl a necklace to hide her neck. If men loved Pimlico as mothers love children, arbitrarily, because it is THEIRS, Pimlico in a year or two might be fairer than Florence.
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November 1, 2023
The thrilling side of novelty ensures there’s a hideous aspect to it as well. In order to grip your attention, it has to shock you in some way. In order to shock you, it must be irreverent and transgressive of some aesthetic norm (good proportions are familiar and familiarity is the enemy of the ‘brand new’) , while at the same time satiating some burning desire; think of the grotesque botox lips, the bum lift, tight licra or the flared pants and hair styles of the 60s and 70s. Like porn or junk food, as soon as fashion satiates the primary urge that made it appealing, it becomes disgusting. After it’s become ‘dated’ and ‘out of fashion’, almost everyone can clearly see its ugly aspects (something which myself, as off-modern, could see from the beginning).
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October 28, 2023
The Distributist is among my favourite content creators of the dissident right, bringing an earnest, mature perspective into a medium that always gravitates towards frivolity and shallowness. Still, despite his overwhelmingly positive influence in our communities, I cannot ignore the problems he fails to diagnose in modernity.
The core of my critique will focus on his thoughts on what right-wing contemporary art could look like, specifically focusing on his latest substack essay, ‘The (He)art Reset’.
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The film is specifically about timelesness, or the contrast between linear profane time and the cyclical, sacred time of the gods. The protagonists are two brothers, Justin and Aaron, orphaned in childhood when their parents died in a car crash, rescued and raised by the members of the desert cult, Camp Arcadia. Having grown up, they had decided to leave the cult behind, smear it in front of the press and return to wider society. After ten years, realising they still failed to adapt to contemporary society, despite periodic therapy sessions and failed attempts at socialising, Aaron receives a video cassette from Anna, an attractive female member of the cult
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‘The Social Dilemma’ is the kind of documentary that makes you realise Black Mirror is mild compared to reality. It is definitely worth a watch, although everyone across the political spectrum (centrists excluded) can instantly notice its ideological biases. Which means bipartisan consensus on the effects of social media is possible in theory.
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December 4, 2020
Along with many other mutations, over the past few years we have witnessed the rise of the Social Media Influencer – a person paid to distribute news from a variety of news aggregators on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Initially perceived as benign, though a bit annoying in their unrelenting posting, their content grew increasingly more political and partisan
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According to Jonathan Haidt, one of the biggest problems of modernity is interpretative Monism – the fixed idea that Reality is ultimately based on a single axiom or equation; that it contains no inner contradictions, because it’s perfectly ordered. This is followed by the Faustian quest for a Theory of Everything, in which we inevitably end up losing our Soul.
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Nostalgia has a bad reputation in the contemporary zeitgeist. Mentioning it as a creative drive is likely to raise a barrage of criticisms and red flags from almost everyone. Conservative and classical liberal thinkers have given up any attempt to defend the notion, allowing it to be claimed by Frankfurt School theorists who did a great job of exploring and at the same time subverting it to their political end goals.
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Nerds, so treasured by the middle brow denizens who occupy the cities and want to think that, well, at least they are smart and deserve RESPECT, are people who possess a type of self-destructive parody of intelligence. Their ability to entertain pointless concepts and abstractions make them believe they have
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