You may have heard the late sir Roger Scruton recall his experience of the soixante-huitard riots while he had been a student in Paris. The destructiveness of his fellow colleagues, their righteous indignation, the shallowness and irrationality of their anger produced such an impression on Roger, that he knew right then he wanted nothing to do with anything these pampered narcissists stood for, and decided he would oppose them in any way he could.
I had a very similar journey away from liberalism and the fashionable strands of thoughts forming the contemporary consensus. If you are a dissident of any kind, you certainly have your own tale to tell. A deep sense of betrayal is what unifies
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Those who have spent time on an anti-theist or rationalist forum have no doubt noticed a strange form of catharsis, characteristic of former believers – the desire to curse, blaspheme and profane symbols held as sacred by others. The emotional impulse that urges them to curse God is not an unconscious aspect of their behaviour; they engage in it deliberately, claiming it’s a sign of high intelligence or that it exalts the only virtue held sacred in
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January 11, 2021
It is hard to advocate in favour of Christianity in front of former believers, especially those who grew up Protestant. The endless posturing and pontificating of preachers, the soulless prayers they were forced to witness weekly, the manichean division of human activities into
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December 15, 2020
“The concept of the meme belongs with other subversive concepts – Marx’s “ideology”, Freud’s unconscious, Foucault’s “discourse” – in being aimed at discrediting common prejudice. It seeks to expose illusions and to explain away our dreams. But it itself is a dream: a piece of ideology, accepted not for its truth but for the illusory power that it confers on the one who conjures with it. It has produced some striking arguments
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Mocking ‘cultural Christians’ and ‘Postmodern Conservatives’ is all the rage among the bien pensant left. The low-key complaints ring true only to the most superficial hearing. ‘Hey maaan, these guys don’t really believe in God or Christianity, they just want to belong to a cultural or religious ethos. That’s, like, inauthentic! It’s like… this pseudo-religion will do more harm to Christianity than atheism and cultural critics ever did!
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“The objective man, who no longer curses and scolds like the pessimist, the IDEAL man of learning in whom the scientific instinct blossoms forth fully after a thousand complete and partial failures, is in truth a mirror accustomed to prostration before everything that wants to be known, with such desires only as knowing or “reflecting” implies-
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