A Cure for Wellness (2016) – Matters of Purity

Finally, being ‘on the right side of history’ does not fix the problem of the so called ur-fascism lurking in the dark; progressives, liberals and socialists of all stripes are guilty of the same instrumentalisation of moral intuitions (purity excluded, admittedly) for the ultimate goal of self-deification. The film thus ends on a disappointing note, one too familiar for our contemporary culture – that of endless denounciation and cynicism; the messed up Lockhart fails to find a cure for his ailments, but simply by escaping the predatory Uber-Swiss blond beasts he somehow is ‘liberated’ of somthing bad, and it is implied that in the end he gets Hannah for himself; both having gotten rid of their tyrannical Patriarchs (Hannah by direct murder, like a good third waver), both free to roam the earth, follow their appetites and maybe become involved romantically, or simply fucking off to wherever their emotivist adventure will lead them next.

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The Much Forward-Facing Vibe Shift – a Response

The Distributist is among my favourite content creators of the dissident right, bringing an earnest, mature perspective into a medium that always gravitates towards frivolity and shallowness. Still, despite his overwhelmingly positive influence in our communities, I cannot ignore the problems he fails to diagnose in modernity.
The core of my critique will focus on his thoughts on what right-wing contemporary art could look like, specifically focusing on his latest substack essay, ‘The (He)art Reset’.

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The Dishonesty of Asatru UK

About two or three years ago I joined the facebook group Asatru UK; a nordic group of pagans, all located within the UK, claiming to worship the aesir (gods of the viking Norsemen) in ways that are compatible with contemporary ways of living. It quickly became apparent (and an ever accelerating trend) that the group had been subverted by all sorts of woke ideologies.

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