Curtis Yarvin on a potential restoration of art

The enormous supply-and-demand imbalance for both art and artists in 20th-century styles leaves these styles about as fashionable as disco in 1996. “Paintings” that used to sell for eight figures will be stacked next to the dumpster. “Artists” once celebrated in the Times will be teaching kindergarten, tying trout flies, or cooking delicious dinners.

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kneeling_selfhating _people

America is on the path of destruction and nothing can stop it

Like you, I have witnessed these days the unfortunate events in the US, the so called homeland of democracy and freedom, the world guarantor of stability. Due to the fact that I lurk through all kinds of communities on all kinds of platforms allowed me to make a first-hand picture of the events there, unfiltered by media or social media censorship, and what I saw shocked me.

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A Song for Deaf Ears in Empty Cathedrals

In the year of our Lord 2019, John Haugm, one of the founding members of Agalloch and Pillorian (American post-black metal bands), was the victim of an online outrage mob. He had written an appreciative post for a movie about WW2 on Facebook and then in a snarky comment remarked that he expects ‘judenbook’ to censor it. A few journos caught the post; there was an online outrage in the metal review community, condemning the

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Joker (2019) – The End of Psychological Horror

I watched ‘Joker’ in a Parisian theatre. A few positive impressions first – the cinematography is outstanding – the camerawork, composition of the frames, the pacing of the action, the psychological evolution of the characters and the conflict development are very thoughtful. Joaquin Phoenix gave one of his all-time best performances. The fascination of the clown as a tragicomic character, the theme of the masses rioting and the inverted hero archetype, throwing a corrupt world into chaos, are excellently introduced without seeming forced or ideologised.

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